Each adult girl cannot help but know that pregnancy and menstruation are mutually exclusive concepts. But sometimes doubt arises. The question of whether it is possible to take a pregnancy test during menstruation interests many women of reproductive age. It is impossible to prohibit a woman from conducting home testing at any phase of her cycle. In addition, such a study has no contraindications. However, the decisive factor in this process is compliance with the rules and the correct interpretation of the results obtained.

Do you have periods during pregnancy?

Following the theory, there is no point in taking a pregnancy test during menstruation. The menstrual cycle is divided into three phases:

  • (active growth and maturation of follicles occurs);
  • ovulatory (the dominant follicle that releases the egg is determined);
  • (a corpus luteum forms in place of the follicular sac).

Further, in the absence of pregnancy, menstruation begins - the rejection of the endometrium, which was grown for attachment ovum. If conception has occurred, then menstruation does not come on the prescribed day. The fertilized egg is attached to the wall of the reproductive organ and uses the endometrium as a nutrient medium, in much the same way as a plant feeds from the soil. The corpus luteum, functioning at the site of the burst follicle, secretes progesterone, which supports the process of development of new life.

It is logical to say that a pregnancy test during menstruation will show negative result. After all, if bleeding began, then conception did not take place. Despite the rule, there are always exceptions. It happens that before the delay, a positive test was received and menstruation began as usual. Or menstrual bleeding has ended, and the strip strip shows a positive response. Of course, in any doubtful situation you should contact a gynecologist or do an ultrasound on your own initiative, but knowing in advance about the causes of this condition will also not be superfluous.

The test showed two lines, but menstruation began

If the test is positive, but your period has begun, then the first thing doctors will think about is the threat of interruption. Gynecological statistics show that every third expectant mother experiences this condition at different stages. The reasons for the threat can be very different:

  • corpus luteum deficiency;
  • formation of detachment and hematoma;
  • abdominal trauma;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • increased nervousness;
  • hard physical labor;
  • inaccurate gynecological examination;
  • "aggressive" sexual intercourse.

In many cases, timely medical intervention and correctly chosen therapy will allow you to maintain the pregnancy so that the next menstruation begins only after childbirth.

Another reason that the test was positive and menstruation began a few days later is the incorrect use of the strip strip. In fact, there was no pregnancy, but the test was wrong. A false positive result occurs in some gynecological and systemic diseases.

Also, the cause of this condition can be a biochemical pregnancy that is interrupted before the delay. That is, fertilization of the egg took place, but it did not attach to the wall of the uterus.

Another option is an ectopic pregnancy. Attachment of the fertilized egg in an unintended place is manifested by the fact that positive test pregnancy is accompanied by vaginal bleeding.

Two stripes after menstruation

After menstruation, a test can be positive for two reasons:

  • we are talking about bleeding that is not related to menstruation;
  • A hormonal imbalance occurred, resulting in two ovulations.

If the study is carried out immediately after the end of bleeding, and the test shows two stripes, then the cause of this condition may be a hormonal imbalance. The test may mistake some other hormones for the hCG hormone if they are present in the urine in high concentrations.

In rare cases, a woman may experience two ovulations in one cycle. In this case, the egg will be released in different times. One follicle ovulates at the prescribed time, and the second only before menstruation. With unprotected sex, conception will occur, as a result of which the woman will receive a positive test a few days after the end of bleeding.

Many women mistake bleeding of a different origin for menstruation. For example, there is pregnancy, and bleeding is caused by erosion or injury to the cervix. Often this bleeding occurs after sexual intercourse. It turns out that conception has occurred, and the test will soon show a positive result, and the woman believes that she is now having her period.

The cause of short bleeding may be implantation of the embryo into the uterine cavity. If a woman tests at home just 3-5 days after menstruation, and the bleeding was short and not heavy, and the test shows 2 stripes, implantation has probably taken place. When the fertilized egg implants into the wall of the reproductive organ, minor damage to the blood vessels occurs. Discharge of blood for 1-3 days is considered normal, but many women mistake it for another menstruation. Patients tell the doctor that they had a positive test after their period.

Is there any point in doing a test?

To answer the question whether it is possible to do a pregnancy test during menstruation in one case or another, you need to understand the operating principle of this mini-device. Despite the different price categories, different types and different methods of use, the mechanism of operation of all devices is the same. The main goal is to identify the pregnancy hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin. Most strip strips, inkjet and tablet devices have a hidden reagent on their surface.

Upon contact with urine expectant mother it appears, and the woman sees that the test showed 2 stripes. It should be noted that the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood is much higher than in the urine. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of pregnancy during menstruation, a blood test for hCG should be done. The reliability of this analysis is very high.

The question of whether the test will show pregnancy during menstruation can be answered in the affirmative. But only with a caveat: in fact, this is not menstruation, but bleeding of a completely different nature. If conception occurred 10-14 days ago or earlier, then a home study carried out in accordance with the instructions will show a true positive result. Bleeding will not affect it.

It is important to perform the diagnosis correctly. To prevent menstrual fluid from getting into the container with urine, you need to thoroughly wash yourself before collecting the material and insert a tampon into the vagina.

Causes of bleeding during positive result may be harmless physiological (for example, embryo implantation) and pathological (risk of miscarriage).

A medical examination will help you reliably understand what is happening and take action if necessary.

Dangerous situations

Sometimes the fact that the test showed pregnancy, but at the same time you are menstruating, is a very ominous symptom.

Spontaneous abortion

The situation when bleeding begins after a positive test is quite common. For most expectant mothers, this occurs early, before 12 weeks. A pregnancy test during menstruation can be done in this case to make sure that it has not been missed. If a woman notices that the test strip is becoming paler, then a miscarriage has probably begun and nothing can be corrected. Additional symptoms threats of interruption are nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

Ectopic pregnancy

Is it possible to do a test during menstruation to detect an ectopic pregnancy? It is possible, but a diagnosis cannot be made using the test. Attachment of the fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity may be accompanied by bleeding, and the strip strip shows two lines. Additional signs of an ectopic pregnancy are acute abdominal pain, weakness, drop in blood pressure and lightheadedness.

In both cases, when bleeding begins after a positive test result, the woman needs medical attention. Otherwise, there will be a threat to her reproductive health and even life.

The question of whether it is possible to take a pregnancy test during menstruation can be answered positively with confidence. Bleeding does not affect the test result. If a positive test result is accompanied by bleeding or menstruation began a few days after receiving two strips, then you need to urgently contact a gynecologist.

Even with a slight delay, any vigilant girl takes a pregnancy test. It happens that the second line appears, but your period still comes. The catch is that the chemical indicator reacts equally to both normal pregnancy and pathologies of its development. What does a positive test after menstruation indicate, what to do in such a situation, and can tests be wrong?

Every fourth pregnant woman experiences bloody vaginal discharge in the early stages. Gynecologists say that this is not menstruation, but discharge, which may indicate an ectopic, frozen pregnancy or miscarriage. Such bleeding is mild in nature and differs from normal menstruation.

What to pay attention to:

  • Bleeding started earlier or too late(for 3 – 7 days);
  • The color of the discharge is pink, black or light brown;
  • The volume is meager.

False periods can come on time and last the same number of days as normal menstruation, which misleads women.

Any deviation in the menstrual cycle should alert you, especially if the girl had unprotected or interrupted sexual intercourse before her period, or missed taking birth control pills. In this case, you need to do a pregnancy test at home, and with any result of the express analysis, you should go for an examination to a gynecologist. The doctor will most likely order an ultrasound and prescribe a blood test for hCG.

What is hCG and how to get tested for the hormone?

Most the right way to confirm or rule out conception - take a blood test for the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). This specific hormone is produced by the membrane of the embryo after the attachment of the embryo in the uterus. Regular test strips also react to this hormone, but only in urine. But an hCG test shows the level of the hormone in the blood and can tell the exact date of pregnancy. In addition, several tests help track the dynamics of fetal development week by week and prevent dangerous pathologies in time.


Normally, hCG in a non-pregnant woman should be in the range of 0 - 5 mIU/ml. If conception has occurred, the hormone level increases already 8-11 days after the delay. For example, in the third week of gestation, the hCG level will remain in the range of 5 – 50 mIU/ml, and in the fourth week it will already increase to 426 mIU/ml.

In an uncertain situation, when your period has passed and you have a positive test, gynecologists advise taking the test twice in the same laboratory with a break of several days. During pregnancy, the hormone level will double in a short period of time. If there was no conception, the hCG concentration will remain the same or decrease. Take the test on an empty stomach, having previously excluded physical activity and taking hormonal medications.

Why are there “two stripes” after menstruation?

A positive test after menstruation does not always mean conception. The second stripe may also indicate the presence various diseases and disorders in the woman’s body.

The main reasons for such a phenomenon as a positive test after menstruation include:

  • The presence of a cyst in the ovary (the follicle has not burst).
  • Malfunction of the ovaries (pathology of functioning).
  • The use of GOK (contraceptive hormonal contraceptives).
  • The fertilized egg remained in the fallopian tube and did not have time to consolidate. The endometrial layer is released as menstruation, after which the embryo attaches to the new endometrium.
  • Double ovulation occurs in 10% of women. Menstruation occurs when one egg is fertilized, and the second is released along with the discharge.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Pregnancy failure, but the hCG hormone is still present in the blood.
  • Implantation bleeding. A woman begins spotting 10–14 days after fertilization. During this period, the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus and blood vessels burst. Implantation bleeding coincides with the start date of the next period, so women take the discharge as normal and do not suspect pregnancy. Fortunately, short-term bleeding is not dangerous for the baby, but it happens often - in a third of pregnant women.

It is possible that the test itself turned out to be of poor quality, expired, or that the rules were not followed. Although test manufacturers assure that the accuracy of even the most common indicator in the form of a strip is no less than 99%.

Why can menstruation occur during pregnancy?

Bloody discharge in the first month of pregnancy is considered a common occurrence, and in women this is almost equal to the norm. However, gynecologists do not think so. Reasons why menstruation occurs when existing pregnancy in the first trimester, quite alarming:

  • lack of progesterone;
  • excess production of androgen (male hormone);
  • the fertilized egg settled in the wrong place, did not receive enough nutrition and died;
  • inflammation or infection;
  • embryo death during multiple pregnancy;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • the fetus froze;
  • lifting weights can cause pregnancy failure;

Hormonal imbalance is dangerous for a pregnant woman; it provokes bleeding from the vagina. The cause may be a malfunction of two hormones: insufficient production of progesterone, the hormone responsible for pregnancy, and instead the production of the male hormone androgen. If treatment by a gynecologist is not started in time, spontaneous abortion may occur. To save the baby, you should see a doctor if there is any discharge, who will register the pregnant woman as at risk and prescribe medications.

Can the test be wrong?

If a pregnancy test shows two lines after menstruation, this does not always mean that the girl is pregnant. As mentioned earlier, gynecological diseases and hormonal imbalance can give a positive test strip result. But it turns out that third-party substances in the urine container can also play a cruel joke.

The following factors can affect the result of the analysis:

  • Incorrect test - saliva or blood was used instead of urine.
  • A cream or intimate gel got into the container with urine and the indicator reacted to it.
  • The woman took special hCG drugs to stimulate ovulation and improve the function of the corpus luteum in the ovaries.


To exclude the influence of foreign substances on the test reagent, it is best to buy a sterile urine container at the pharmacy. Or, instead of a test strip, use a jet test, which does not require urine collection.

If all the rules were followed for the first test, but the girl is sure that there can be no pregnancy, for her own peace of mind it is better to repeat the test in a few days. And you shouldn’t rely entirely on home express methods. It is best to go to a gynecologist to undergo a full examination, because only a qualified doctor will be able to determine the exact cause of an increase in hCG in a woman and prescribe the correct treatment.

Most women know that every month, around the middle of the cycle, there are days when conception is most likely. Some are waiting for them with caution, others with hope. Most women are sure that if their periods come on time, there is no delay, which means there is no pregnancy.

Someone sighs with relief and puts a new mark on the calendar for the beginning of the next cycle. Someone, on the contrary, is upset because the desired pregnancy did not happen. But in nature, events do not always develop the way you are used to.

Features of the female cycle

A woman’s cycle is the interval from the first day of her period to the next moment of its onset. Its average duration is one lunar month or 28 days. But this is on average. In practice, there can be both very short, 21 days, and longer, up to 37 days, cycles.

Any cycle can be divided into two phases, the first of which ends with ovulation, which lasts about a day or two. The second, which begins after it, is the actual menstrual bleeding, the duration of which can vary from three to seven days.

Everything is regulated by two hormones: follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, which are produced by the pituitary gland. The cycle itself is divided into three main phases:

  • The follicular or menstrual phase begins on the first day of the cycle, that is, from the moment the next period begins and continues until approximately its middle. During this time, under the influence of the hormone that actually gives this phase its name, one of the follicles matures in the ovaries, which becomes dominant and in the future will give rise to a new egg.
  • The ovulatory phase begins with the rupture of the membrane of the dominant follicle and the release of an egg ready for fertilization. This phase can last from 12 hours to two days.
  • Luteal is the third and final phase of the cycle, controlled by luteinizing hormone. It begins after ovulation, with the formation of the corpus luteum in the body - a temporary endocrine gland that produces hormones designed to maintain pregnancy. Of course, if conception occurred in the second phase of the cycle. If this does not happen, then the corpus luteum simply stops working. The decreasing level of hormones, mainly progesterone, leads to the rejection of the uterine mucosa, menstruation begins and a new cycle begins.

When pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum remains until the placenta is formed, which takes over its function. Hormone levels rise and menstruation does not occur.

How does a pregnancy test work?

However, events do not always develop according to this scenario. There are cases when the expected delay in pregnancy does not occur, menstruation came strictly on schedule, and the pregnancy test shows a positive result. Although it seems that this is impossible. To understand the reason for this, you first need to figure out what exactly it reacts to.

Approximately on the fifth to seventh day from the moment of fertilization, the egg enters the uterus, where it attaches to one of its walls. The outer shell that has formed by this time, the chorion, has many blood vessels and not only provides adequate nutrition to the fetus, but also produces a special hormone designed to maintain pregnancy.

It is the presence of this hormone, which gets its name from the shell, that determines the pregnancy test.

If the test is positive

Normally, human chorionic gonadotropin is not formed in the body of a non-pregnant woman, and the most sensitive test can detect it at a minimum concentration in the urine of 25 mU/ml. However, it happens that your period came on time, and after it the test unexpectedly showed two stripes. This happens in two cases:

  • If pregnancy does occur, but your period comes exactly on time.
  • If there is no pregnancy, your period has started, but the test determines the presence of gonadotropin in the urine.

In addition to confirming pregnancy, gonadotropin serves as an indicator of its normal course and helps to identify various abnormalities.

That is why the hCG test is one of the main ones and is taken throughout the entire period of gestation.

Menstruation during pregnancy

Quite often, signs of pregnancy are early stages similar in PMS. A woman experiences nausea in the morning, which she blames on diet errors. He suffers from insomnia and irritability, which he blames on his cycle, hormones, or troubles at work.

But her period came on time, without delays, and this makes her finally convinced that there is no pregnancy. However, this is not always the case.


Menstruation in the early stages of pregnancy is a rare phenomenon, but still occurs. Their presence does not always indicate the development of pathology; quite often, menstruation is a type of normal. There may be several such situations.

An egg that has not had time to implant

It happens that the fertilized egg does not have time to leave the fallopian tube and becomes fixed in the uterine cavity. In this case, it does not provoke the production of hormones aimed at preserving the embryo.

The body does not yet know about the pregnancy and events develop according to the usual scenario. The mucous layer of the uterus becomes thinner, dries out and is rejected, and menstruation occurs without delay. All this time, the embryo is in the cavity of the tube, and then it is fixed on the new endometrial layer.

This happens especially often with a short cycle of 21 days.

Double ovulation

Two eggs mature in the body simultaneously or with a break of several days. One of them is fertilized, and the one that is unlucky comes out along with the next menstruation, which also comes without delay.

According to statistics, such a repeated surge of hormones, provoking the maturation of another egg, occurs in approximately 10% of women. The nature of this phenomenon has not yet been sufficiently studied; scientists have not been able to find out exactly what exactly can trigger the maturation of two eggs at once. Believed to be responsible stressful situations, irregular sex life and even some foods.

Implantation bleeding

This bleeding, which occurs after the egg attaches to the endometrium of the uterus, is quite often confused with menstruation, especially if it is prolonged and begins on the usual day.

When the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, damage occurs to the vessels with which it is quite densely penetrated. Implantation bleeding occurs approximately 10–14 days after conception.

If your cycle is 28 days, then it is quite easy to confuse it with the onset of menstruation.

Other reasons

In both situations, the expected delay in menstruation will most likely occur in the second month of pregnancy. However, sometimes this does not happen either. The reasons that menstrual bleeding occurs in the second and even third month may be:

  • Hormonal imbalances, especially those associated with insufficient progesterone production.
  • Hyperandrogenism, in which the body begins to produce the male sex hormone – androgen.
  • Attachment of the egg in an unfavorable place.
  • Inflammatory or infectious diseases.
  • Death of one of the embryos in case of multiple pregnancy.
  • Uterine fibroids.
  • A frozen or ectopic pregnancy that also tests positive.

What needs to be done?

If your period comes in the first month of pregnancy, then this is not a reason to panic. This type of bleeding usually:

  • Has a weak character.
  • Pink or brown discharge.
  • It does not get worse over time, but, on the contrary, goes away in a day or two at most.

Most likely, it is associated with egg implantation. However, even this should not be ignored.

Any bleeding that occurs during pregnancy, especially if it occurs in the second or third month, requires immediate medical attention.

Also dangerous are bleeding at any stage, accompanied by pain, dizziness, pallor, a drop in blood pressure and rapid heartbeat.

Positive result after menstruation

However, it happens that there is no pregnancy, the period came on time, but after it the test unexpectedly showed two stripes. That is, human chorionic gonadotropin is present in the body, and in quite large quantities.


If you do not take into account the low quality of the test, defects, expired expiration dates or improper storage, there may be several reasons for the presence of the hormone in the body:

  • The urine sample included intimate soap or cream, to which the dye substance reacted.
  • Erroneous use instead of urine, saliva or blood, which may also contain their own hormones that can cause a test reaction.
  • Pregnancy interrupted naturally, most often due to hormonal imbalances in the early stages. The likelihood of such an event remains until 12 weeks, while a delay in menstruation may not occur, and the test result will be positive.
  • HCG drugs, which are prescribed to stimulate ovulation or to maintain the function of the corpus luteum of the ovaries.
  • Tumor diseases of the ovaries or uterus.

However, in order to exclude the first two reasons false positive results, it is sufficient to use sterile urine collection containers or a jet test for analysis. It is better to carry out the analysis in the morning, when the concentration of the hormone in the urine will be higher.

What needs to be done?

If you purchased a high-quality, accurate test, used it correctly, but are confident that it showed wrong result, you can repeat the test after two to three days. But in any case, you should not completely rely on home express methods. Regardless of the result, visit your doctor and undergo a full examination.

Only a specialist will be able to accurately determine the cause of the production of human chorionic gonadotropin in the absence of pregnancy and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The female body is individual and often unpredictable, especially during pregnancy. Hormones are responsible for many processes in it, the production of which can be influenced even by changing moods and bad weather outside the window. Therefore, in case of any troubles or changes in your condition, do not delay visiting a specialist.

If there are no reasons for concern, it won’t hurt anyone to make sure of this once again. If trouble does happen, the sooner the doctor notices it, the greater the chance of minimizing its consequences.

In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman may experience spotting. Therefore, even if your test is positive and your period has arrived, pregnancy should not be ruled out. Is this situation dangerous, what needs to be done and how to protect the baby?

Can I get my period during pregnancy?

Despite the rapid development of technology and healthcare, humanity still cannot fully explain the processes occurring in a woman’s body during pregnancy. Even now it is almost impossible to predict how pregnancy will proceed, because this process is individual for each woman. Sometimes the development of pregnancy can be so unusual that only specialists can recognize the birth of a new life.

First signs of pregnancy:

  • toxicosis;
  • sudden mood changes;
  • irritability.

If these signs appear, you should do a special test, and it is best to consult a doctor.

The most reliable evidence of pregnancy is a special test and the cessation of menstruation, but sometimes these two signs can contradict each other.

Why do periods come during pregnancy? Immediately after the development of the embryo begins in the uterus, the woman’s body produces a special complex of hormones. In particular, the amount of progesterone produced greatly increases; this hormone regulates the growth of the inner uterine lining and practically paralyzes the muscles of the uterus to eliminate the possibility of accidental rejection of the fetus.

Menstruation is a process in which the old egg is excreted from the body along with part of the inner lining of the uterus, therefore, with increased progesterone levels, menstruation is almost impossible.

If the test is positive and your period has arrived, then most often there is no reason to worry about the child’s health. Menstruation can come 5-14 days after conception, and there is nothing strange about this. The fact is that until the fertilized egg reaches the uterus, all processes in the woman’s body occur as usual, and the movement of the embryo can take up to two weeks. Therefore, if conception occurred in the middle of the menstrual cycle, then in the first month of pregnancy a delay in menstruation may not be observed. But if menstruation does not stop for two months, then it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, since the consequences can be unpredictable.

Reasons for continuing menstruation during pregnancy

Possible reasons for the absence of a delay during pregnancy may be the following:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • superovulation;
  • hyperandrogenism;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • frozen pregnancy.

It is extremely important to recognize ectopic pregnancy in the first stages of embryo development, because such a situation is dangerous not only for the child, but also for the mother herself. Only specialists can diagnose an ectopic pregnancy, so if there is no delay, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.

This category also includes a rather rare phenomenon in which a fertilized egg is implanted in an unfavorable part of the uterus. In this case, there is a high probability of fetal rejection already in the first stages of development, because the embryo cannot receive enough elements necessary for life.

From the moment of conception, a woman’s body undergoes a strong change in the set of hormones produced. If you have periods during pregnancy, the reason for this may be a disturbance in the set of hormones. Hormonal imbalances can manifest themselves in different ways during pregnancy. The most common deviation of this type is an insufficient amount of the hormone progesterone.

Unfortunately correct hormonal background during pregnancy in modern world is organized less and less often, which is why quite a large number of women face this problem. Today, most hormonal imbalances can be easily corrected with the help of special medications.

Most women's bodies produce only one egg per menstrual cycle. But during superovulation, more than one egg is produced, most often two. In this case, the absence of a delay is not a bad sign, because the fertilized egg develops quietly in the woman’s body, and during menstruation, another female gamete is released, which was formed in parallel. It is worth noting that superovulation does not occur very often.

Hyperandrogenism is a special case of hormonal disorders, but most often it is classified as a separate type due to its prevalence. The phenomenon gets its name from the name of the male hormone androgen. A woman’s body contains a small amount of this substance, and with hyperandrogenism its amount significantly exceeds the norm, which can cause cessation of fetal development or rejection of the embryo. A specialist who has identified this problem usually prescribes medications to the girl to control the level of androgen in the body.

Genetic abnormalities are a problem that many pregnant women face. Deviations of this type can greatly affect the development of the fetus, so a patient with this diagnosis should be under the supervision of specialists for all 9 months.

During a so-called frozen pregnancy, a woman should also be under the supervision of qualified doctors. In most cases, this deviation can be corrected, for which the patient must undergo a course of special therapy.

There are also other reasons for continued menstruation during pregnancy. But doctors do not classify them as a number of serious abnormalities that can harm the mother or child. To protect your unborn child as much as possible from all sorts of dangers, it is best to visit a doctor regularly.
To reduce the risk of pregnancy ending or developing birth defects in the fetus, doctors recommend undergoing examination before conception.

One of the most unpleasant consequences in the absence of a delay, the woman may not even be aware that she is pregnant. In this case, there are no special disturbances in the menstrual cycle, and girls may not think about purchasing a special test. When menstruation occurs during pregnancy, the fetus can suffer greatly.

What should you pay attention to during menstruation during pregnancy?

If you notice a continuation of the menstrual cycle, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is best to start regularly visiting a specialist after pregnancy is detected. According to statistics, the vast majority of pregnant women who turn to specialists in the first trimester of fetal development carry a full-fledged child without any particular difficulties.

You need to understand that the continuation of menstruation during fetal development is almost always a clear sign of some kind of anomaly, albeit minor, and can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Any discharge may also indicate the initial stage of embryo rejection.
If a woman underwent a special examination before conception, then when her period begins, she should not panic. Most likely, doctors have already foreseen possible options developments and know what to do in this case.

In medical practice, there are many cases where menstruation occurred throughout the entire development of the fetus, so you should not be afraid of this phenomenon. Qualified doctors have the most modern technologies, making it possible to cure almost all abnormalities associated with discharge during pregnancy.