Municipal budgetary institution additional education children

"Children and youth sports school "Leader"

“On the benefits of hardening”

Developed by A.N. Gorkusha

Deputy Director of MBU DO

Children's and Youth Sports School "Leader"


Conversation “On the benefits of hardening”

Goals: to form concepts about a healthy lifestyle, about hardening; talk about the effect of hardening on the human body; study the principles and methods of hardening.

Methods: story, conversation, explanation.

Venue: school class.

Time: 45 min.


1.Introductory part:

    org. moment;

2.Main part:

    learning new material



It has long been known that human health depends 10-20% on heredity, 10-20% on the state of the environment, 8-12% on the level of healthcare and 50-70% on lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle - a balanced diet, exercise, giving up alcohol and smoking, and much more. Important role hardening also plays a role.

Hardening is a scientifically based system of use physical factors external environment to increase the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases.

Hardening is a mandatory element physical education, especially important for young people, as it is of great importance for improving health, increasing performance, improving well-being, mood and vigor. Hardening, as a factor in increasing the body's resistance to various meteorological conditions, has been used since ancient times.

Any improvement is a long-term training. Consequently, hardening is a kind of training of the body’s defenses, preparing them for timely mobilization.

Hardening does not cure, but prevents illness, and this is its most important preventive role. A hardened person easily tolerates not only heat and cold, but also sudden changes in external temperature, which can weaken the body’s defenses.

The main thing is that hardening is acceptable for any person, i.e. it can be practiced by people of any age, regardless of degree physical development. Hardening increases the performance and endurance of the body.

Tempering procedures normalize the state of the emotional sphere, make a person more restrained and balanced, they give vigor and improve mood. According to yogis, hardening leads to the merging of the body with nature.

There are no medical exemptions from hardening, only acute febrile illnesses. The opinion that hardening procedures are contraindicated for weakened people is deeply erroneous. Task medical worker consists of correct selection and dosing of these procedures individually for each person. A number of rules must be followed: Systematic use of hardening procedures at all times of the year, without interruptions. Gradual increase in the dose of irritating action. Accounting for age and individual characteristics human body. All hardening procedures should be carried out against a background of positive emotions.

Violation of these rules leads to a lack of positive effect from hardening procedures, and sometimes to hyperactivation of the neuroendocrine system and its subsequent depletion.

Hardening activities are divided into general and special. Common ones include correct mode day, rational nutrition, physical education. Special hardening procedures include hardening with air (air baths), sun (sunbathing) and water (water procedures), etc.

Hardening principles:

a) Systematic use of hardening procedures.

b) Gradual increase in the strength of the irritating effect.

c) Consistency in carrying out hardening procedures.

d) Taking into account the individual characteristics of a person and his state of health.

e) The complexity of the impact of natural factors.

Basic hardening methods.

    1. Air hardening.

Air is the environment that constantly surrounds a person. He comes into contact with skin - directly or through the fabric of clothing and with the mucous membrane respiratory tract.

a) Walking in the air.

They are held at any time of the year, regardless of the weather. The duration of walks is set individually for each person, depending on their state of health and age. The increase in walking time should be carried out gradually, taking into account both the listed factors and the degree of fitness of the body, as well as air temperature.

It is advisable to combine time in the air with active movements: in winter - skating, skiing, and in summer - playing ball and other outdoor games.

b) Air baths.

They prepare the body for subsequent hardening procedures, for example, hardening with water. The dosage of air baths is carried out in two ways: a gradual decrease in air temperature and an increase in the duration of the procedure at the same temperature.

An important condition for the effectiveness of outdoor hardening is wearing clothing appropriate to weather conditions. Clothing should allow free air circulation.

    2. Sun hardening.

Sunbathing for the purpose of hardening should be taken very carefully, otherwise instead of benefit it will cause harm (burns, heat and sunstroke). It is best to sunbathe in the morning, when the air is especially clean and it is not too hot, and also in the late afternoon, when the sun is setting. The best time for tanning: in the middle zone - 9-13 and 16-18 hours; in the south - 8-11 and 17-19 hours. The first sunbathing should be taken at an air temperature of at least 18C. Their duration should not exceed 5 minutes (then add 3-5 minutes, gradually increasing to an hour). Air baths cannot be slept during sunbathing! The head should be covered with something like a Panama hat, and the eyes with dark glasses.

    3. Hardening with water.

A) Rubbing is the initial stage of hardening with water. This is the most gentle of all water procedures. It can be used at all ages, starting from infancy.

b) Pouring is the next stage of hardening. It can be local or general. Local dousing - dousing the feet.

V) A shower is an even more effective water procedure.

4. Hardening in the steam room.

Folk experience, acquired over centuries, testifies that the bathhouse is an excellent hygienic, healing and hardening agent. Under the influence of the bath procedure, the body’s performance and its emotional tone increase, and recovery processes after intense and prolonged physical work are accelerated. As a result of regular visits to the bathhouse, the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases increases.

Thus, hardening is an important means of prevention negative consequences cooling the body or action high temperatures. The systematic use of hardening procedures reduces the number of colds by 2-5 times, and in some cases almost completely eliminates them.

The health benefits of air, sunbathing, and water treatments are undeniable. Hardened people get sick less and tolerate diseases more easily. The availability of hardening agents lies in the fact that they are always at hand, the main thing is that they can be used in one form or another, at any time of the year, in any conditions. They do not require complex equipment and special rooms; the methods of their use in skillful hands are not difficult.


1. Artyukhova Yu. How to harden your body, Minsk, 1999

2. Ivanchenko V. G. secrets of the Russian temperament, Moscow, 1991

3. Ilyinich V.I. Physical culture of a student, Moscow, 2000

4. Laptev A.P. Strengthen your health, Moscow, 1991

5. Milner E. G. Formula of life, Moscow, 1991

Conversation about healthy lifestyle at entry level

Topic: If you want to be healthy, toughen up!

Bestik Irina Viktorovna, teacher of the regional special (correctional) boarding school for children with hearing impairments, Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan region, Petropavlovsk.
Description: This methodological development will be useful for teachers and primary educators. Consolidates knowledge junior schoolchildren about hardening and develops healthy lifestyle skills.
Target: consolidation of students’ knowledge about hardening the body.
Educational: consolidate students’ knowledge about hardening and its importance for the human body.
Educational: cultivate a careful attitude towards your health.
Correctional and developmental: develop logical thinking, memory, cognitive interest, expand students' horizons, develop students' speech during class.
Equipment: presentation, cards, signs.
Speech material: hardening, body, health, cold.
Progress of the lesson:
As a child I was often sick,
And I always took pills.
And then he began to harden,
Douse yourself with cold water.
And I immediately became healthy,
And my family is happy!

Guys, why do you think people catch colds and get sick?
Children's answers.
Educator: Human skin is much more sensitive to cold than to heat, so even a small draft can lead to a runny nose, sneezing and more serious consequences. As a result of cooling, our body's defenses weaken, and pathogenic microbes begin to manifest their harmful properties, resulting in a runny nose, cough or sore throat. A general reaction of the body occurs, which is called a cold. To prevent this from happening, you need to train your body to cold influences.
I want to offer you a small quick survey “How healthy are you?”

Blitz survey “How healthy are you?”
1) How often have you had a cold this year?
0. Not once;
1. From 1 to 4 times;
2. More than 4 times.
2) Do you have chronic respiratory diseases (bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis)?
0. No;
1. One disease;
2. Complex of diseases.
3) Do you have days of general malaise (lethargy, loss of energy, drowsiness, mild headaches, etc.)?
0. Extremely rare;
1. Often;
2. Very often.
If you score 0-1 points, then your health is fine, 2-4 points - you are at risk, 5-6 points - your body is weakened.
- What should you do to get sick less?
Children: We need to toughen up.

Educator: That's right guys. Hardening is a set of measures aimed at increasing the human body’s resistance to environmental conditions and promoting health. Hardening increases the body's defense mechanisms and resistance to various diseases.
What hardening agents do you know?
Children: Sun, air, water.
Sun, air and water -
Our best friends.
We will be friends with them,
So that we can be healthy.
Give examples of general hardening procedures.
Children: Showering, swimming, sunbathing.

Educator: Guys, remember: you need to harden yourself gradually, consistently and systematically. You can start hardening without leaving your room - take sun and air baths with the window open.
We are sunbathing in the sun,
We temper our body.
The rays of the sun send warmth,
And your healing goodness.
In the morning, you can wash your face with cold water, and you can also do foot baths and walk barefoot on the ground.
In the morning you harden yourself,
Douse yourself with cold water.
You will always be healthy.
There is no need for unnecessary words here.
And your body will gradually get stronger. You will get sick less often, your performance will increase and your mood will improve.

I suggest you divide into three groups: Group 1 – air hardening, Group 2 – water hardening and Group 3 – sun hardening. Each group must complete the task within 15 minutes. You will have to talk about the principle of this hardening, about the positive effect on the body and draw a picture.
Group performance.
Summing up.
To get health,
You don't have to go far.
We need to try ourselves
And everything will work out.

"Hardening Children in Summer"

(consultation for parents).

Summer is a wonderful time of year! You can take full advantage of the inexhaustible possibilities of natural factors: fresh air, sunlight and water. The hardening is excellent and accessible remedy disease prevention and health promotion.

It has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases the tone of the central nervous system, resistance to the effects of constantly changing environmental conditions, improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism.

Hardening does not cure, but prevents illness, and this is its most important preventive role. A hardened person easily tolerates not only heat and cold, but also sudden changes in external temperature, which can weaken the body’s defenses. Hardening your child means not only giving him the opportunity to avoid colds in the future, but also significantly strengthening his immune system. The most important assistants in this matter are natural environmental factors - water, air and sun rays.

In this regard, in the summer, the following hardening procedures are distinguished:

water procedures;

air baths;


There are no absolute contraindications to hardening. Every person must be tempered throughout his life. It is only important to dose hardening procedures correctly, especially in the initial period.

Hardening children in the summer should begin with air baths. Air hardening increases the body's resistance to long-term exposure low temperatures.

The use of air for health purposes begins with good ventilation of the room in which children are located.

For air procedures best time in the morning, after sleep in combination with morning exercises and before lunch. Parks, gardens, and public gardens are great places to walk with your baby. And it is very good if parents perform gymnastic exercises with their child every morning, giving them the character of a game.

When hardening with air, under no circumstances should you bring the body to the point of chills. One of the effective means of hardening is napping during the day. fresh air.

Try to let your child spend as much time as possible outdoors, especially in summer. Cool weather and rain should not be an obstacle to walking. Remember that a day without a walk is a lost day!

The next stage in the complex hardening of children in summer is hardening with water.

Water procedures can be easily dosed. When dousing with water, swimming in open reservoirs, the human body is influenced not only by temperature, but also by water pressure, and when taking salt, pine baths, swimming in the sea, or medicinal springs - also by its chemical composition. Wiping the skin after any water procedure with a dry towel provides a good massage, promotes better blood circulation, and therefore nutrition. Since water procedures are a stimulant and tonic, they should be performed after morning or afternoon sleep.

Washing, which is carried out daily in the morning for hygienic purposes, is the most accessible type of hardening with water.

After washing, rub the body with a terry towel until slightly reddened. General dousing (duration from 30 seconds to 2 minutes) is carried out after an air bath.

Foot baths are good remedy hardening, they contribute to the hardening of the whole organism. In addition, daily foot baths reduce foot sweating and are a preventive measure against flat feet.

Sea bathing is the most powerful and complex hardening agent. When swimming in the sea, the child’s body is affected not only by the temperature of the water, but also by its pressure, chemical composition (sodium chloride salts, etc.). Due to such a strong impact, swimming in the sea for children under two years of age is undesirable. Warm baths from sea ​​water indoors are useful for children of any age.

The temperature most suitable for the first bath is 22 degrees; the time a fragile child spends in the water should be approximately seven minutes. Every day it is absolutely necessary to gradually increase the time spent in the reservoir.

If your baby is afraid of water, you should not force him to swim. Such a child must be accustomed to water gradually, through games, until he believes in his own strength and wants to enter the water.

The duration of bathing from 2-3 minutes can be gradually increased to 10 minutes, provided active behavior child in the water (swimming, playing ball). Before swimming, the baby should rest in the shade under a canopy. After bathing, you need to dry him with a terry towel, change your panties to dry ones and take him back into the shade.

They should not be allowed to play for long periods on the shore on cold wet sand or in the water near the shore, when their feet are cooled and their bodies are exposed to solar radiation.


Non-traditional hardening methods include gargling with cool water. As a rule, it is used to prevent diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract. Gargling can be done from 2.5-3 years of age, but you must first obtain a doctor’s permission. They begin to gargle with water at a temperature of +40°C, then gradually, every 2-3 days, reduce it by 1°C and bring it to +18-20°C. For greater effectiveness in hardening the throat, it is better to use infusions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula, yarrow, sage. You can gargle mineral water, saline solution (0.5 tsp table salt and 0.5 tsp baking soda per glass of water).

Hardening your hands.

Playing with water is one of children's favorite pastimes and it is not surprising, because playing with water is useful not only for development tactile sensations and for fine motor skills. Water develops various receptors, calms, and gives positive emotions. And what could be better than the happy face of a child!

IN summer period For the purpose of hardening, you can use a shower. A shower has a stronger effect than, for example, dousing or wiping, since here the effect of jet pressure is added to the temperature factor. Water flowing from the shower under pressure has a massaging effect. The water from the shower feels warmer than water of the same temperature when doused or rubbed. This raises the tone of the muscular system, increases efficiency, gives vigor, and helps increase energy.

Sun hardening - effective remedy healing and stimulating the growth of the child.

Ultraviolet rays, which have high biological activity, affect a person through the skin, increase the body’s resistance to adverse environmental influences, pathogenic microbes, increase immunity, and reduce the risk of diseases.

Exposure to the sun perfectly strengthens the immune system and allows you to get the required amount of vitamin D. The general condition of the body also changes, mood, sleep, appetite improve, performance and the body’s overall resistance to diseases increase.

Summer hardening of children with the right approach to the existing problem is an extremely important activity aimed at positive result. A child, completely hardened in the summer, regardless of age, will perfectly adapt during the period of winter viral infections, and in the future will cause less trouble to his parents.

As a result of hardening, the child becomes less susceptible not only to sudden changes in temperature and colds, but also to other infectious diseases. Seasoned children have good health, appetite, calm, balanced, cheerful, cheerful, and highly efficient. All these results indicate the positive effect of hardening procedures.

Conversation with children
about the benefits of hardening.

Conducted by a physical education teacher

MDOU No. 28 “Cockerel”

E.V. Nemtsova.

June 2012.


Remind children what helps them be healthy.


Give special attention hardening of the body.

Teaching children to lead healthy image life

To consolidate knowledge of why you need to do exercises every day, wash your face with cool water, maintain cleanliness and a daily routine.

Progress of the conversation.

Hello, dear guys! Today we will talk about hardening. And I’ll start the conversation with how the little girl Tanya spends her morning.

“Tanya has a magic pillow. The pillow looks like a pillow, completely ordinary, only very small. In the old days, such pillows were called “thoughts.” They put it under their ear, thought about something pleasant and fell asleep sweetly.

Tanya was given this pillow by her grandmother, and she received it as a gift from her grandmother. The girl really loved looking at the patterns on the “thought”. One side of it was dark blue with golden-yellow bright stars and a narrow new moon embroidered on it. The other side of the pillow is sky blue, decorated with three tulips - white, pink and red.

When the girl went to bed, she put her favorite pillow under her cheek with the “night” side with stars and a month. It seemed to her as if the stars were circling around the month and singing a quiet lullaby to her. Like this:

The stars have become clearer -

Go to sleep quickly!

Maybe you'll dream

Bright feather of the firebird,

Or a scarlet flower,

Or the tip is a hunchback.

The moon is shining in the dark sky,

Like a seven-flowered flower,

The star choir sings: “Bye-bye! Sleep, Tanyusha, sleep!”

The girl immediately fell asleep and had amazing dreams and fairy tales.

And in the morning, when Tanya woke up, the pillow was always pressed against her cheek with the other - “morning” - side. The tulips rustled their petals and quietly whispered in the girl’s ear: “With good morning».

Good morning, dear!

Wake up quickly.

The sun woke up outside the window,

The sparrow chirped.

A new day has come to visit,

Wake up quickly!

Good morning, sweet little pillow! - the girl answered her, got out of bed and ran to the bathroom to wash her hands, wash her face, brush her teeth, singing a cheerful song.

In the mornings and evenings

I turn on the faucet in the bathroom.

I won't regret the water

I will wash my ears and neck.

Let the water flow -

I want to wash my face!

Opened the tap harder

And I took a piece of soap,

The foam rose magnificently -

I washed off the dust and dirt from my hands.

Let the water run -

I want to wash my face!

Tanya always washed her face with cool water. I washed my face, hands, ears, neck and even shoulders. Then she dried herself thoroughly with a terry towel, saying:

Terry towel,

A clean, new towel

I wipe my hands, shoulders, neck.

I feel more energetic!

“Now I need to brush my teeth and gargle with cool water,” Tanya thought. She poured water into a glass, squeezed the toothpaste from the tube onto her brush, and began brushing her teeth.

I brush my teeth with mint paste,

Fragrant and pleasant.

I work skillfully with a brush,

Your teeth will be very white!

Tanyusha! Have you washed your face yet? - the mother called out to the girl. - Then go eat some yogurt.

What kind of yogurt is today? - asked Tanya.


Raspberry yogurt is my favorite! - the girl answered in rhyme, ate delicious yogurt and went to school with her mother.”

Questions for children:

Dear guys! Tell us how your morning is going.

Raise your hands who washed their face and brushed their teeth today!

Well done! Everyone washed their faces and brushed their teeth.

Washing with cool water and gargling with water at room temperature hardens your body.

Conversation with children about hardening techniques.

Let's talk about how water helps our health.

Hardening procedures can be different. You can dry yourself with a special terry mitten. To do this, pour cool water into a basin and dissolve a pinch of sea ​​salt and, having moistened the mitten in water, wipe the shoulders, arms, legs, neck and chest. This is a very useful procedure - blood circulation is achieved. You immediately feel energetic and cheerful. After wiping, rub the skin dry with a terry towel.

Be healthy!

I'll pour water into the basin,

I'll dissolve a handful of salt,

There's nothing better than salt,

And special - sea!

I'll rub it with a mitten.

Back, arms, neck, chest.

Questions for children:

Guys, maybe some of you take a shower in the morning?

Tell us how you take a shower: what water do you choose: warm or cool?

Do you shower every morning?

Washing, rubbing, and a cool shower are excellent hardening. But remember that hardening has two important rules:

nThe first rule was gradualism,

Rule two is consistency.

What do these rules mean?

You need to start water procedures with a temperature of about 28-30 degrees and gradually reduce it every two to three days by 1 degree, eventually bringing it to a temperature of 15-18 degrees. This is the gradual nature of hardening.

And consistency means that you need to do water procedures every day, without skipping. This requires considerable willpower! It turns out that water treatments strengthen not only the body, but also the human will!

One of the wonderful hardening procedures is washing your feet with cool water. It is especially pleasant and useful to wash your feet at night - firstly, you will wash away sweat and dirt from them, and secondly- you will sleep better. After all, washing your feet at night has a beneficial effect on sleep!

Summary of the conversation.

Guys, let's summarize our conversation about hardening and answer the questions.

Tell us about the magic pillow that the girl Tanya had.

How did the pillow help her in the evening and in the morning?

What did Tanya do in the morning?

What water procedures do you do in the mornings and evenings?

Do you brush your teeth?

What is hardening?

Answer: this is everything that is aimed at increasing the body’s resistance to unfavorable environmental conditions - cold, wind, pathogenic microbes.

What hardening methods are you familiar with?

Answer: washing, dousing, rubbing, gargling, showering, washing feet.

– Guess the riddles:

Walks across the sky, lives in seas and rivers,

Painter without brushes. But it often flies across the sky.

Brown paint And how bored she gets of flying,

Makes people beautiful. It falls to the ground again.

(Sun.) (Water.)

Passes through the nose into the chest

And the return is on its way.

He's invisible and yet

We cannot live without him.


– Remember the proverb that contains these words.

- Right. Sun, air and water are our best friends. Why do they say this? Why does a person need to be hardened?

– What can be used for hardening?

– Many of you know a funny song:

I'm not afraid of frost or heat.

Even the doctors are surprised

Why am I not sick, why am I healthier?

All the guys from our yard.

Because it's early in the morning

I’m not too lazy to do gymnastics,

Because tap water

I shower myself every day.

- The boy is strengthening himself. But hardening can only be successful if certain rules are followed.

– How can you strengthen your body? What is hardening used for? (Air.)

– What needs to be done to make the air harden the body? (Do exercises with the window open, play in the fresh air.)


– Name the measures to harden the body with water.

– What else helps to harden the body? (Sun.)

– Name the activities for hardening the body with the sun.

The first rule is that hardening should be carried out systematically.

Another rule is gradualism. Get up early, always at the same time. You are already standing on the mat. The window is open. After charging, proceed to water procedures. You should start with a simple one - rubbing as a more accessible way of hardening at all times of the year. The procedure itself is simple: wet a towel or sponge and rub your hands for 1-2 minutes, then your chest, neck, back, stomach and legs. Afterwards they quickly wiped themselves dry. Gradually reduce the water temperature.

After a month, you can move on to a stronger procedure - douche or shower. The initial water temperature is 30–35 degrees. Then it is gradually reduced.

A very strong hardening agent is a contrast shower, when the water temperature continuously changes from hot to cold. In this case, they start with a minimum temperature difference, gradually bringing it to the maximum.

At the same time, it is necessary to gradually switch to lighter clothing, not to bundle up, ventilate the room more often, and not to cover yourself too warmly at night.

Do athletics, gymnastics, ice skating, skiing - and your muscles will be elastic and strong.

In summer, try to be more outdoors - in the forest, near the river. Play catch and other outdoor games. Go hiking. Remember: the sun, air and water are our most faithful friends.

We were overcome by drowsiness, All the guys stood up together

I don't feel like moving. And they walked on the spot.

Come on, do it with me. Stretch on your toes.

The exercise is like this: We squatted like springs,

Up, down, stretch, and then sit quietly.

Wake up completely.

– Why do you need to do hardening?

– Which person gets sick more often?

– What diseases do you already know?

– Name the rules on how to protect yourself from infectious diseases.

3. Listening to music. “Dance of the Shepherds” (music by P. I. Tchaikovsky).

4. Drawing on the theme “Doll in national costume.”

– Moidodyr really likes it when children look clean and tidy. Consider a doll depicting a figure in national costume. This is female Russian national costume. Tell us about the features of this costume.

– Tell us about the sequence of creating the image.

– Using a simple pencil, draw the main details, pressing lightly.

– Try to convey the characteristic features of the costume. Color the drawing with colored pencils.