Very often people, even having talents, do not use them for their intended purpose and do not improve their skills. But you should not think that abilities are an innate feature of a person. They can and should be developed, as they allow you to more effectively use the capabilities of the brain. A person who has analytical skills achieves global goals and reaches heights.

Abilities or thinking?

First of all, there is no need to confuse concepts such as thinking and abilities. most likely an innate characteristic. The second criterion includes the ability to analyze various situations that arise along the path of life, using special logical methods.

How to test your abilities?

It is not at all difficult to check whether a person has analytical skills. To do this, you need to pass tests that are developed by specialists. But you can go another way, for example, evaluate your own thoughts and actions in ordinary life. The easiest way is to work with the text. A person with certain skills will be able to easily break the text into parts, highlight the meaning and main ideas, and gain new knowledge. If difficulties arise in the process, then analytical skills are an area that needs to be developed.

Train your brain!

Many people try to actively work on themselves and develop their skills. But not everyone understands that, first of all, all efforts must be directed towards improvement. After all, it is he who influences the entire body.

No one can say exactly how much is used, but it is reliably known that not all of its resources are used. But people have learned to determine which hemisphere is more developed. It’s not difficult to determine this, just do a test:

Cross your arms and observe which forearm will be on top;

Interlace your fingers and see thumb which hand will be on top?

The left hemisphere is responsible for analytical skills, logic, writing and reading, and the ability to process information. To develop it, it is necessary to put loads on the right side of the body - this can be like physical exercise, and power. You should also devote some time to solving problems that require logical and mathematical thinking.

Role-playing games

Recently, trainings where they are held have become very popular. role playing games. There is no time to think, so participants must make decisions and write down their own thoughts immediately. After this, a collective analysis of the situation takes place. Such exercises have a positive effect on the development of analytical skills.

If you don’t have the time or money for such trainings, you can organize them at home. To do this, you should invite a friend or comrade who has analytical thinking. It will help to model life situations and find extraordinary ways out of them.

Puzzles and rebuses

Analytical skills are a quality that is useful to develop at school. Children are offered a variety of puzzles, riddles and riddles that stimulate thinking. They can be found in specialized magazines. It is better to choose those where the author indicates what exactly the exercises are aimed at.

Solving such problems allows you to develop your thinking. It is necessary in all areas of life, so a person who possesses it will be able to achieve better results and achieve high goals.

Those people who suffer from forgetfulness and cannot concentrate on one thing most likely have poor analytical skills. They need to develop memory and work to make their brain function more efficiently. Experts highlight a number effective ways which help improve mental performance.

  • Full sleep. For proper operation It is very important for the brain to get a good night's sleep. The period of continuous rest must be at least seven hours. It is during sleep that information is absorbed and sorted. If your workday is stressful, it is helpful to allow yourself a little rest during the day.
  • Siesta. You should not start working immediately after eating; you need to take a short break. At this time, you can do a little exercise, massage your temples and forehead. These measures will help improve performance and eliminate fatigue.
  • It has long been known that it invigorates much more effectively than a cup of coffee. Therefore, after waking up, you need to do calm Pilates, fitness or yoga. They will help you find not only vigor, but also harmony.
  • Internal reminders. They allow you to use several types of memory if you periodically read them, repeat them to yourself and speak them out loud. You can give yourself small checks and try to remember all the things planned for the day.

When asking questions about what analytical skills are and how to develop thinking, you need to remember the main principles: read more, listen to music, play games, sleep well and play sports. It is also useful to sometimes give your brain a break and switch from one thing to another.

By analytical thinking we understand a person’s ability to use logic in the process of analyzing available information and make a final decision based on this.

Analytical thinking involves a number of skills:

— Divide information into components.

— Analyze both the source information as a whole and its parts.

— Fill in missing pieces of information using logical conclusions.

When solving a problem analytically, several successive steps are usually performed:

— Several options for solving it are being considered.

— An analysis of each of them is carried out, and attention is paid to all the positive and negative aspects.

— The most acceptable option is selected.

To illustrate the manifestations of analytical thinking, let's look at a few examples:

1). Let's try to solve a logic problem.

If you cut off one of the corners of a table, how many will remain? If you answer “three” or “five,” then we suggest you think analytically: do we have all the data to find a solution? Actually, before answering this question, we need to know:

The shape of the tabletop, because tables come in different shapes, including triangular and polygonal.

Cut line. Even in the case of a rectangular or square table, we can cut off a corner near the edge - and there will be 5 corners left, or we can cut it diagonally, and there will be 3 corners left.

2). Let's try to analyze the proposal. “Now she had a whole wealth of time: a full two minutes until the cabin passed the internal network and ended up on the highway.” (V. Mikhailov: “Then come and let’s reason”). What conclusions can we draw?

The action takes place in a fantasy world, since the vehicle is a cabin, which in real world doesn't exist yet.

The action takes place in the city: there is a complex transport infrastructure, including an internal network and highways.

The main character is a woman.

Most likely, she is a special agent, since she knows how to act under limited time conditions (two minutes is a whole wealth).

IN at the moment the heroine is in a hurry. Perhaps he is running away from someone.

Once she gets on the highway, something important is going to happen.

Such an analysis can be used as a task game if you select template proposals in advance.

Why do you need to develop analytical thinking?

A person with well-developed analytical skills is more effective, his decisions are always justified, he solves problems faster and is not afraid of difficulties. In addition, in the process of developing analytical thinking, an important habit is formed to perceive incoming information critically, based on objective factors and neglecting subjective ones. Conclusions drawn on this basis are always preferable in any business and in solving any problems.

Another advantage of developed analytical thinking is the ability to imagine possible scenarios, calculating actions in advance.

How to develop analytical thinking?

The habit of thinking analytically can be developed. Since analytical thinking is based on logic and is closely interconnected with it, you can reorient your mindset to an analytical one by developing logical thinking. Puzzles and riddles, logical tasks will be your good helpers in this.

Logical and analytical thinking are not the same thing, although they are closely interrelated. Logical thinking helps to find and establish cause-and-effect relationships. Through logical structures and ready-made concepts, it makes it possible to analyze, synthesize and generalize information.

Analytical thinking is distinguished by the presence of clearly defined conscious stages and deployment in time. This approach helps to painstakingly collect facts, analyze, and compare data. It also involves logical analysis and synthesis of information.

Wondering how to develop analytical thinking? Here are some tips:

When receiving information from various external sources, highlight only the facts, compare them and analyze them, without being distracted or reacting to the emotional component.

Play chess and other games that require strategizing, analyzing, and remembering moves in your head.

Develop cognitive functions of the brain. It's best to use . With their help, you can significantly improve attention, memory and thinking, without which analytical thinking is simply impossible.

Exercise for developing analytical thinking:

Think about which current problem you could solve without much effort (or come up with a simple problem). Set yourself the goal of finding the simplest and effective solution. After this, perform a series of sequential actions:

Step 1. Find solutions and highlight those that seem most acceptable to you.

Step 2. Determine questions for the selected problem and try to find answers by looking at the situation from different angles: causes of occurrence, reactions of other people, feelings, prospects, worst and best options outcome (what will happen if you fail to solve the problem; what will you win if you manage to solve it; does it make sense for you to do this).

Having answered all questions and considered different options, take the next step:

Step 3: Make a decision.

Step 5. Analyze your decision.

Try making this exercise first a game, and then a favorite habit.

Analytical thinking helps to understand and consciously perceive information, making it easier to draw conclusions and make decisions based on them. Thanks to it, we establish cause-and-effect relationships and get an overall picture based on objective facts, that is, with minimal error.

We wish you success in mastering analytical thinking skills and other areas of self-development!

A person's thinking progresses throughout his life. When people begin to lead a measured lifestyle, their thought process slows down. This is due to the fact that a person performs the same actions every day. He doesn’t think about the process, but does everything out of habit. But many people are frightened by this prospect, and they begin to think about the question - how to learn to think?

Types of thinking

To answer this question, you need to understand what types of thinking exist:

  • Creative thinking (non-standard) - aimed at creating new knowledge, action, image.
  • Logical thinking (analytical) - the ability to clearly build a logical chain, analyze, using accumulated knowledge and experience.
  • Abstract thinking is not related to action; reflection occurs on the basis of some abstract concept.
  • Positive thinking is aimed at the end result of any action. This result must be useful.

In order not to stand still, but to constantly develop and increase the volume of your thoughts, you need to adhere to the following principles:

  • Read a variety of literature, at least a couple of paragraphs a day.
  • Do any physical exercise. Sport helps improve your thinking process.
  • Visit new places. To do this, you don’t have to travel to another country, just get off at another stop and go home along a new route.
  • Communicate with interesting people. Find new topics for communication besides work, family, politics.

By starting to change his life and his thoughts little by little every day, a person will begin to think in the direction he needs. Let's move on to specific tips that can help you think in one direction or another.

How to think outside the box and creatively

Creative and non-standard thinking is not only purely creative thinking, which is inherent in writers, artists, designers, etc. This thinking can also be characteristic of mathematicians and representatives of the exact sciences. A non-standard type of thinking is inherent in cinema people who specialize in arthouse. This is often a genre that is incomprehensible to many, but thanks to this kind of thinking you can achieve great success in your work. Examples of such people are Elon Musk (founder of Tesla Motors), director David Lynch and others. To develop this type of thinking you need:

  • Allow your imagination to go beyond the boundaries, even if it seems absurd.
  • Strive for the impossible. If earlier the photon engine, which allows you to leave spaceship limits solar system, was considered science fiction, now it is a real theory (there is a theoretical prototype).
  • Return to the problem and look for other solutions, even if they seem unprofitable in advance.
  • Engage in a hobby that is aimed at developing your creative streak.
  • Walk and socialize more often so that your brain can work more actively.

How to think analytically and logically

This is a complex type of thinking. You can develop it thanks to:

  • Tireless study of mathematics, physics, chemistry and other exact sciences.
  • Studying programs, computers, complex circuits operation of mechanisms.
  • Development of the ability to build logical circuits.
  • Constantly enriching your knowledge. Logic without knowledge is impossible.

Abstract thinking

To develop abstract thinking, you need to know the rules of science or any teaching, follow logic, but think generally, abstracting from specific concepts. Abstract thinking is used in many sciences and arts.

People mostly rely on intuition, although the ability to analyze allows them to choose the right answers more often. Analytical skills are the ability to evaluate information in its entirety and see a problem from multiple perspectives.

How would you answer this simple problem? A tennis racket and ball together cost $1.10. A tennis racket costs $1.00 more than a ball. How much does the ball cost?

If your answer is 10 cents, you deserve congratulations! That's what most people would answer. Your intuition told you the answer, and even though the answer is wrong, you are one of the large portion of people who rely on their intuition when making decisions.

If you answered 5 cents (the correct answer), then you also deserve congratulations! Your case is quite rare - so rare that even more than 50% of Harvard and Princeton students answer this question incorrectly. This is the so-called one, which consists of only three questions. In solving these problems, people usually rely either on intuition or solve them using analysis. The way they do this has no effect on their intelligence; it is rather a matter of habit.

People are programmed to rely on theirs for the most part. If we were to analyze every decision, down to what to order from a restaurant menu, it would be a rather labor-intensive and time-consuming process that would ultimately lead to analytical stupor and the inability to make a decision.

Analytical skills

You probably already know that strong analytical skills and analytical thinking are . What exactly are analytical skills? Analytical skills are the abilities to collect, visualize and analyze information in detail. They also include the ability to see a problem or situation from different perspectives. To begin with, we should highlight several components of analytical thinking.

1. Ability to collect correct information

What information you have determines the outcome of the situation. If you collect correct information, you will have a better chance of solving the problem. If you collect incorrect or useless information, it will have a negative impact throughout the analytical process, and the solution to the problem may not be correct.

2. Math skills

Mathematics is a science that plays a key role in the careers of people involved in technology, finance, IT, banking, engineering - professions associated with analytical thinking. Basic math skills include understanding the relationships between numbers, calculating, perceiving and organizing numerical information, analyzing data, planning, budgeting, and a number of other tasks, the understanding of which is necessary to make correct conclusions and decisions.

3. Strategic thinking skills

It's about prioritizing, being flexible, and knowing what you want to achieve and in what ways. At the business level, strategic thinking means that you can develop effective plans to solve a situation or achieve a company goal.

4. Attention to detail

Attention and concentration on one subject gives you the opportunity to see hidden details and connections between components when analyzing situations, which allows you to minimize the risk of mistakes.

Thus, the components of analytical thinking together allow you to solve complex problems, making decisions in the most in an efficient way. This is why analytical thinking has become one of the most important skills for company employees and people who play important role in business. For example, you are a business management developer, your main goals are to find market growth opportunities and increase sales.

To achieve this, you must be able to collect and analyze information about the company's current position and build a plan and... If you do not have general analytical skills, this will not be possible. Fortunately, analytical skills can be learned or improved.

How to improve your analytical skills

Analytical competence develops if everyday problems and tasks are solved in a certain way: for example, news and events in the world should be perceived from a critical point of view - do not stop at one version, analyze the facts, draw your own conclusions, look for cause-and-effect relationships. Make plans, calculate steps, work out different options for action. Try to find a connection between two completely different objects, for example, a table and a chair. What's in common? What are the differences?

To develop your math skills, try making graphs of different trends over several months or years. Practice daily using apps, games, books, reading specialized articles with graphs and analyzes, etc.

To improve your strategic abilities, you can try playing games that develop strategic thinking, familiar to everyone early age. These are puzzles, construction kits, tasks with diagrams, planning, speech strategies aimed at developing the plot. Include chess, mahjong, or other strategic games that require analytical activity in your list of hobbies. Quests and puzzles may be included in this list. Not only will they help you improve your analytical thinking skills, but playing them alone or with friends is fun.

Learn to be more observant - use every opportune moment to observe the situation and your surroundings. Such opportunities may present themselves in a park, a store, a social event, a concert, etc. When you read, pay attention to the subtle details mentioned in the book or newspaper. While observing a person’s behavior and reactions, think about what exactly served as the prerequisites for such behavior, how another person would react in a similar situation, what the outcome would be. When we look at things beyond what is visible, we use our powers of observation and improve our analytical skills. Remember that to analyze means to use the capabilities of the brain to the maximum.

Analytical skills are one of the key ones. There is a ton of information everywhere and it is growing exponentially. Even if your field of activity is not related to this, the skill will be useful to every person. In addition to direct benefits, it brings indirect benefits: it develops memory and logic. These two parameters are called one of the first when it comes to mental abilities. Today, it is important for any person to be able to effectively cope with incoming information and draw the right conclusions.

Not all ways to develop analytical skills will be of interest to you personally. However, you can choose the ones that are most suitable and practice them every day.

Solve math problems

This is one of the best ways improving analytical skills. Mathematics is very logical and mathematical problems and problems are structured.

  • Solve problems involving mental arithmetic.
  • Do this every day.
  • Solve problems from everyday life and do not use a calculator.
  • Go through to level up these skills.

Love brain games

These games will help improve your brain skills. Plus, it's fun, which means you'll get even more benefits from the exercises.

  • Download to your phone or tablet.
  • Solve crosswords, sudoku and logic puzzles.
  • Play chess.

Join a discussion club or reading group

A competent discussion of a certain topic helps improve logical and analytical abilities, as well as develop critical thinking.

A book club is a great way to discuss the same book. It’s great when one text allows you to draw several very different conclusions. After all, debating is also a skill that helps develop analytical skills.

Create a large database

The more you read, study and absorb, the larger your database of information to work with when needed.

  • Read a wide variety of literature: philosophy, science, religion, fiction.
  • Attend lectures and conferences.
  • Sign up for training classes in your city.

Take time to think

Building a database is a great strategy, but it is not enough. You need to take time to digest all the information and reflect on what you have learned. Most people who strive to improve themselves read a lot, but never stop and analyze what they read.

  • Remember in detail what the book or article was about.
  • Consider several ways to solve one problem. Why is one method better than another? Prove your point.
  • Avoid the simplest solution. Often it turns out to be true, but do not deny yourself the pleasure of thinking about the problem deeper and more carefully.

Expand your worldview

This process must not stop. Accustom yourself to the fact that you need to expand your worldview every day.

  • Think about other ways of understanding the world. Consider it from a political, philosophical, scientific and religious point of view.
  • Try to understand points of view that you often ignore.
  • Surround yourself with people who are different from you.

Look for connections

Undoubtedly, many things in our daily life are connected with each other. By understanding and establishing these connections, you can realize a lot of things and draw reasonable conclusions.

  • Think about things in terms of cause and effect. Are you absolutely sure what is first and what is second? Sometimes what is considered an effect is actually a cause and vice versa.
  • Think about the similarity of things and events, look for analogies, come up with ideas.
  • Think about human history. What cycles, patterns and trends are you noticing?

Pay attention to details

You need to know the big picture, but without understanding the details, you cannot draw correct conclusions or weigh the pros and cons. Constantly move between a specific event and the situation as a whole.

We wish you good luck!